A Supply Chain Perspective Reviewing Shoring Cases


  • Olli-Pekka Hilmola1 (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Gävle, Gävle, Sweden )
  • Haihan Li1 (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Gävle, Gävle, Sweden )
  • Per Hilletofth1 (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Gävle, Gävle, Sweden )
  • Daniella Fjellström1 (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Gävle, Gävle, Sweden )

Shoring trend of supply chains has changed over the decades. In the initial stages it mostly concerned about offshoring, however, recently it has changed to reshoring. This study focuses on the mainstreams of shoring case studies from the supply chain perspective with a systematic literature review. We identified 22 supply chain shoring cases from the initial pool of thousands of supply chain case studies. Publishing activity was increasing until 2010, but thereafter it has been sporadic. It could be concluded that shoring always contains numerous risks. As failures were also reported, it is simply so that not too much weight should be placed on costs and locating only to one country. Based on research works, global sourcing will continue in the future, however, new locations and practices shall prevail. Single-sided reshoring supply chains back to developed economies is not the only answer due to costs and supply chain tensions.

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